Braving odds and coming up trumps is the FINISH way of life.
Braving odds and coming up trumps is the FINISH way of life. The COVID 19 pandemic hit the world with the severity of a tsunami and FINISH Society needed very little time to quickly rework its field strategy to bring about behavior change and ensure sustainability among its 60-odd projects spread across the country. Showing great alacrity, FINISH Society field staff did the country proud when they fanned out in the various districts to help raise awareness about Corona virus & Hand WASH activities. The FS Kapurthala team went from door to door spreading awareness about the Corona virus thus winning the trust of the district administration and the local populace. What the FS team did next became a talking point in the field areas of Rajasathan, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh. In these states, FS team members volunteered to screen possible COVID positive cases in the districts of Jhalawar, Dungarpur, Kapurthala and Guntur. The FINISH Society Mahonia team stepped in to help the Bihar and UP governments to ensure that the large numbers of migrant laborers reached their respective villages. Even food packets were organized for the hungry travelers. FINISH did not believe in waiting for the crisis to blow over, and during the first quarter we launched a plastic waste management and livelihood program in Amritsar, Punjab with the support of UNDP. Continuing our thrust on livelihoods, in the second quarter we started a Jaipur Community Initiative(JCI) to create and sustain a livelihood project for the urban poor in the slums of a Nagar Kachi Basti with active support from PWC Foundation. We are also designing and implementing an intervention to pilot a scalable model for managing faecal sludge safely along with promoting enterprise for providing essential WASH-related services in select districts of Bihar. The project aims to address two critical areas to ensure WASH sustainability, Faecal Sludge Management, sustainable sanitation as per the ODF++and SBM 2.0 guidelines. This project is supported by UNICEF. Undeterred by the COVID 19 onslaught, FINISH society broke new grounds when we marked our presence in Uttar Pradesh. Yes, you heard that right. We are in the process of launching a community-driven model for clean village by launching improved sanitation and solid waste management practices in 15 gram panchayats in Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh, supported by HCL Foundation. Things seem to be looking up in 2021 with the COVID 19 vaccination drive being planned in the days to come. Braving odds and coming up trumps is the FINISH way of life. Strictly follow the pandemic protocol to ensure a healthy and safe life, is our motto for 2021.