FINISH Society has a recognised training and capacity building approach. Government of India had recognised the capacities of FINISH Society and had appointed it as a Key Resource Centre for sanitation. FINISH is working with the Bihar Government since 2017, in 3 districts of Uttar Pradesh with the support of UNICEF for accelerating ODF outcomes and strengthening the process and outcomes for ODF+ and in Rajasthan on 3 districts. The staff members were initially trained by Master Trainers from WASTE the Netherlands. The team is periodically trained by FINISH master trainers on different thematic areas in relation to health, sanitation, waste management and also on the technical aspects of toilet construction. Key members received additional training by UNICEF, GIZ, Govt of India, 3R Waste Foundation on various aspects of sanitation and waste management. This enables the team to keep abreast with updates and trends and enables them understand social, health and technical dynamics associated with sanitation and waste management. FINISH Team has also provided capacity building support to FINISH Kenya team and masons / artisans on technical aspects. Also, in Bangladesh to BRAC IRC project partners on sanitation.